Video Clip (2019)
Based on a script by SKANDER MLIKI
« Em », first single from GOOM’s new EP « My Forgiveness » available on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music.

Music by : GOOM Songwriter : Skander Mliki Musicians in order of appearance : Skander Mliki : Vocals Mehdi Azaiez : Guitar Etienne Samant : Drums Damien Varaillon : Double Bass Director: Leïla Touati & Skander Mliki Script: Leïla Touati & Skander Mliki Executive Production: ©2019 Ignis Fatuus DOP: Marek Pawlikowski Lighting control room: Carl Habib Editing: Leïla Touati & Skander Mliki Calibration: Marek Pawlikowski Choreography: Bruno Marignan Dancers in order of appearance: Bruno Marignan Roxane Ouazana Forge Lolaspirit Camille Rau Ludivine Métairie Arnaud Manensson * A very special thanks to Montreuil City and the Berthelot Theatre for their contribution to the production of this film.